Current Issue

Vol. 31 No. 1 (2024): ENERO - ABRIL
					View Vol. 31 No. 1 (2024): ENERO - ABRIL
Published: 2025-02-11

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The journal publishes original scientific papers and reviews of pure or applied botany in its various areas: non-vascular and vascular plant systematics and taxonomy, morphology, cytology and genetics, chorology and ecology, ethnobotany, reproductive biology, structure and development, phycology and mycology; likewise, works in phytochemistry, microbiology, parasitology and zoology.

It is indexed in Latindex, SciELO, Periodica, Biodiversity Heritage Library and Directory of Open Access Journals. It has a wide distribution in the national and international scientific community. Copies are distributed to research institutions in America and Europe with whom exchange is maintained.

It was created by the renowned researcher Dr. Abundio Sagástegui Alva, founder and first director of the Natural History Museum. The name Arnaldoa is a homage to the outstanding Peruvian botanist Arnaldo López Miranda.

Issues prior to 2013 can be consulted in Biodiversity Heritage Library.

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